
As with anything around us currently, the cost for maintaining the HS Soccer team has also increased. The past few years, the boys and their parents have been asked to pay a fee that covers 2 pairs of game shorts, 2 pairs of game socks, a soccer bag to last them for the 4 year they are with the team, pre-game shirt, and most importantly, pre-game and after game meals. While the cost has been low compared to what players might pay for other team, I would like to completely get rid of any player contribution by introducing different levels of sponsors. The once this program gets going, we will showcase our sponsors here, along with links to businesses etc. Attached to this page is the sponsorship letter if you, or somone you know would like to help out our Soccer program as we continue to work towards defend our State Championship next season, as well as work towards a record Fifth consecutive year of winning the league.
Thank you for your help,
Coach Hoehn